Get Started eBook

A guide for indie founders to find and acquire your first users, get feedback for growth

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Practical step-by-step process to launch your app

No audience, nor upfront budget required.

Practical steps

GetStartedEbook shows a step-by-step process to launch your app, where your product can help individuals, agencies, and business

Supportive audience

This is where you can find and build your supportive early adopters, and get valuable feedback of your product for growth

Good way to validate

Companies like, Listnr, HockeyStack and more with +$100k ARR have done this in their early days

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How to get GetStartedEbook?

To get the ebook,

  1. Buy from an indie
  2. Then share the receipt with hieunc(at)

Note that receipt must not be before 14/06/2023, and the total amount should be equal or greater than the price

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Like you, I love building products but had a hard time bringing it to the audience, getting feedback for growth. I've read books about it, though many are not practical. GetStartedeBook was born from my own experiences, envisioning myself five years ago and the guidance I wished to have back then. Big thanks to Hua for helping with editing - by @hieussr